Saturday, December 12, 2009

Europe Pledges Billions in Climate Funding

Europe Pledges Billions in Climate Funding

Quarter 2
Article 6
NY times
Miller Chapter
The area covered is global.

European leaders agreed to pay $10.5 billion over the next three years to help poor countries begin tackling the effects of global warming and to improve the odds of reaching an international climate accord next week at a conference in Copenhagen. The UN issued a 6 page informal outline of a new climate agreement. The outline calls for wealthy nations to commit themselves to sharp reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions in the next decade, and for all nations to seek jointly to nearly eliminate the emissions by 2050. he world’s industrialized countries and emerging economic powers have pledged over the past year to work to limit warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius above where temperatures stood in the 1800s. That translates roughly into a rise of no more than 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit from today’s average global temperature of about 59 degrees.

I'm glad that countries are banding together to make a commitment to stopping global warming and making efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

greenhouse gases- the heating of the surface of a planet or moon due to the presence of an atmosphere containing gases that absorb and emit infrared radiation.