Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Quarter 3, Article 8

US loses opportunity with home energy efficency
January 26, 2010
The Daily Climate-Andrew McGlashen
Miller Chapters 16, 17
Summary: New Energy Star homes are only about 17% of the market right now, and are hoping to increase because home energy use accounts for 16% of greenhouse gas emissions. American houses are "sick" – damp, drafty, dusty, noisy and expensive to heat and cool – and "could be made at least 30 percent more energy-efficient with highly cost-effective, tried-and-true energy-efficiency improvements," according to Rashkin.Of course, the ultra-efficient heating and cooling systems, high-performance windows and other features that make the homes exceptionally comfortable also make them a bit pricier. The added cost for a new Energy Star home may only be about the price of a night at the movies on each month's mortgage payment, but it's enough to scare off many potential buyers. The high price is offset by the low heat/cooling bill and the electric bill, the energy star homes are 20-30% more efficent than regular homes.
Opinion:It would be great if every new home built followed the energy star example because it would reduce greenhouse gases and even limit heating and cooling bills. When I begin looking at the house market I hope to find an energy star home so that I can help contribute to a greener future.
Greenhouse Gases-gases in an atmosphere that absorb and emit radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect. The main greenhouse gases in the Earths atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide,methane, nitrous oxide and ozone.
Quarter 3, Article 7

Stern: Copenhagen Accord 'best way to make progress'
The Daily Climate Jan 28, 2010 Douglas Fischer
Miller Chapters: 20, 24, 25
Summary: At Copenhagen in December a closer relationship between developed and developing countries was made.Decided that a 2 degree Celcius global climate change was the most they could afford."Our goal is very simply to design a regime that is going to have the capability to actually help us solve the problem," Stern said. First they need to address the items in the accord including forest preservation and second they need to work on a legally binding climate commitment for the world.
Opinion: Although it doesnt sound like much these steps have brough the world closer to a system that might actually save us. The ability of a handful of small countries – Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador – to block the world community from formally agreeing to the Copenhagen Accord proved one of the more frustrating elements of the talks, to many delegates. In the end the United Nations could only take note of the accord before sending everyone home. I think that countries who are being diffucult need to realize the bigger picture that these meetings are trying to accomplish.
Copenhagen- The United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between December 7 and December 18, 2009.
Quarter 3, Article 6

Girls with prenatal exposure to bisphenol A more aggressive, hyperactive

Canwest News Services, Mike Iype


Miller Chapters: 8 9 18

SUmmary: Daughters of women who were exposed to a common chemical found in plastics, while they were pregnant are more likely to show aggressive and hyperactive behaviours as two-year-olds, a new study shows."The girls showed a definite difference in temperaments," said Lanphear. "Their behaviour was actually much more like boys at the same age."
BPA, a hormone disrupter that can cause reproductive damage and lead to prostate and breast cancer in adulthood, is a building block in polycarbonate plastic. People are exposed to BPA through medical tubing, some hard plastic water bottles, some baby feeding bottles, dental fillings, food-can and packaging linings, and carbonless paper
Opinion- I think its terrible that simple things like bottles are harming babies, and causing girls to behave like testosterone filled boys. Something needs to be done to get rid of the BPA in the bottles.
BPA(Bisphenol A) is an industrial chemical used to make hard, clear plastics. It can be found in reusable water bottles, baby bottles and children’s sippy cups. BPA is also used in the lining found on the inside of metal cans.
Quarter 3
Article 5

Birth Weights Fell From 1990 to 2005
Researchers Can't Explain the Two-Ounce Decline in U.S., Worry the Trend Could Lead to Increase in Health Problems

Wall Street Journal January 22, 2010 SHirley Wang


Miller Chapters 18

Summary: Between 1990 and 2005, the birth weight of full-term babies in the U.S. declined nearly two ounces to an average of 7 pounds, 7.54 ounces, a reversal of a trend that had seen birth weights climb steadily since the 1950s, according to the study. Babies were also born 2.5 days earlier on average in 2005 than in 1990, the study said.Researchers repeated their analysis in a sample of low-risk women—healthy, educated Caucasians in their mid-to-late 20s—and found that the decrease in birth weight was even more pronounced, suggesting that the trend wasn't the result of changes in the population of mothers.

Opinion: It worries me that the reasons for the drop in birth weight and full term babies is decreasing. My mother works in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and deals with premature babies everyday. It is a stressful job because these babies arent fully developed yet and many of them cannot survive.

Full Term Babies-term: the end of gestation or point at which birth is imminent; "a healthy baby born at full term usually between 37 and 42 weeks.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Quarter 3, Article 4

China says dams not to blame for low Mekong levels

3) Reuters: Apr 5th

5) Miller Chapter 12

6) Region: China
7) The Mekong River in China has shown extremely large water level drops recently. Their government is denying that it is the many dams present on the river and blaming it on abnormally dry weather. Neighboring countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos have also been affected by the water level drops. The major players in this controversy are requesting more data from China's hydroelectric stations to get a better idea of what may be causing the decreased water flow. As the meetings go on, China has shut down one of their hydroelectric dams to prevent impacts on fish migration.
8) I think that it is probably a combination of both the numerous dams and the dry weather that is causing such a decreased water flow. This article is a perfect example of how a renewable resource like hydroelectric power could have negative effects on the environment. Everything that alters the natural environment has a consequence.
9) Mekong River: one of the worlds largest rivers that services about 6 countries in south east asia.
Quarter 3, Article 3

2) New Lead-Based Paint Requirements Under EPA’s Renovation, Repair And Painting Rule Go Into Effect In April 2010

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3) Source: Sive, Paget & Riesel Feb 26, 2010

5) Miller Chapter: 18, 22

6) Area: National

7) The rule was designed to ensure that owners and residents of older housing and child-occupied facilities receive information on lead-based paint hazards prior to the start of renovations. The new regulations also require that, as of April 22, 2010, all renovations in target housing or child-occupied facilities be conducted by certified renovators and in accordance with specified lead-safe work practices. The EPA is basically making sure that anyone making any changes to buildings with lead paint know exactly how to handle the situation safely. Contractors will need special EPA certifications so that all construction sites with lead are taken care of correctly.

8) I think that this is a positive change made by the EPA to further protect people in the presence of lead. It is important that everyone is educated and aware of the situation and that is exactly what is being done.

9) target housing: any housing constructed prior to 1978
In April 2008, EPA promulgated regulations governing renovations in target housing (i.e., any housing constructed prior to 1978) and child-occupied
Rare Rhinos get Relocated

Quarter 3 Article 2

Rare Rhinos Relocated from Czech Republic to Kenya

Published on December 29th 2009 by the Environmental News Network

Miller Chapters - 11

Area Covered - Czech Republic and Kenya

The northern white rhinoceros is now one of the most endangered and rare animals. There are only eight known northern white's left and 4 of them ( 2 male and 2 female) were packed up and shipped to Kenya from the Czech Republic. Scientists hope that in Kenya they will be able to breed more rhinos. The Back of Africa program helps direct animals from zoo's back into the wild, this is what they hope to do with the northern white's as soon as they have become more populated. The rhinos went to Ol Pejeta Conservancy near Mount Kenya, scientists hope that this new climate and terrain will encourage them to breed. Many rhino conservation programs refused this project because it costs in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and they feared that the rhinos would die on their journey. Northern whites tend to breed very poorly when in captivating areas so the rhinos in Kenya will be released in a 1,000 acre fenced off area.

I think this has to be done in order to increase the population of northern white rhinos. There are only 8 rhinos left so something has to happen. It was a very risky move considering that the rhinos could have possibly died during the trip, but they didn't so now they have to produce. This move should help, they can feel more relaxed and do what they need to do.

Ol Pejeta Conservancy - a 9,000 acre non profit wildlife conservancy in central Kenya. Holds black rhinos, apes and other African animals
2) Overuse of fertilizer in China leads to soil acidification

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3) Source: Feb 18, 2010

5) Miller Chapter: 13, 18
6) Regional= China
7) The immense use of nitrogen fertilizers on Chinese farms is causing a rapid soil acidification. It is said to be causing lasting damages to the local ecosystems. Scientists from the US, UK, and China have all tested the soil and compared their results to pH levels recorded from the 1980's. They came to the conclusion of widespread soil acidification caused by nitrogen fertilizers. The soil across the country decreased about .5 over 20 but in places like Hunan, in south China, the levels were near 3 and 4. Most crops are suited for levels from 6 to 8.
8) I do not think farmers in China intended this to happen but it is a perfect example of the negative impacts that occur from tampering with the natural ecosystem. The fertilizers used were far from natural which eventually caused this devastating result.
9) nitrogen fertilizers: a macronutrient applied to crops to promote plant growth

Saturday, April 10, 2010

1) Quarter 3 Article 1
2) Overuse of fertilizer in China leads to soil acidification

3) Source: Feb 18, 2010

5) Miller Chapter: 13, 18
6) Regional= China
7) The immense use of nitrogen fertilizers on Chinese farms is causing a rapid soil acidification. It is said to be causing lasting damages to the local ecosystems. Scientists from the US, UK, and China have all tested the soil and compared their results to pH levels recorded from the 1980's. They came to the conclusion of widespread soil acidification caused by nitrogen fertilizers. The soil across the country decreased about .5 over 20 but in places like Hunan, in south China, the levels were near 3 and 4. Most crops are suited for levels from 6 to 8.
8) I do not think farmers in China intended this to happen but it is a perfect example of the negative impacts that occur from tampering with the natural ecosystem. The fertilizers used were far from natural which eventually caused this devastating result.
9) nitrogen fertilizers: a macronutrient applied to crops to promote plant growth