Thursday, November 12, 2009

More Record Highs and Far Fewer Lows

More Record Highs and Far Fewer Lows

Quarter 1

Article 6

NY times

Miller Chapter

The area covered is national.

Scientists in the United States have found more evidence of long term global warming. The biggest climatic change is the shift to decreasing low nightime temperatures. According to a news release from the National Center for Atmospheric Research: If nations continue to increase their emissions of greenhouse gases in a “business-as-usual” scenario, the U.S. ratio of daily record high to record low temperatures would increase to about 20 to 1 by midcentury and 50 to 1 by 2100. The midcentury ratio could be much higher if emissions rose at an even greater pace, or it could be about 8 to 1 if emissions were reduced significantly, the model showed.

My opinion is that the United States needs to decrease it's emission of greenhouse gases. Many people do not realize the harm that a change in a few degrees can have on the environment. Temperature change is responsible for the destruction of coral reefs and the melting of the polar ice caps. Global warming has a profound impact on the decrease of biodiversity of the world. Although, this article was written on a national scale, it impacts international aspects. Each nation needs to rise up and do what they can to stop the emissions of greenhouse gases or the biodiversity on life is going to continue to be destructed dramatically.


greenhouse gases: any of the gases whose absorption of solar radiation is responsible for the greenhouse effect, including carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and the fluorocarbons.

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