Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Quarter 3, Article 7

Stern: Copenhagen Accord 'best way to make progress'
The Daily Climate Jan 28, 2010 Douglas Fischer
Miller Chapters: 20, 24, 25
Summary: At Copenhagen in December a closer relationship between developed and developing countries was made.Decided that a 2 degree Celcius global climate change was the most they could afford."Our goal is very simply to design a regime that is going to have the capability to actually help us solve the problem," Stern said. First they need to address the items in the accord including forest preservation and second they need to work on a legally binding climate commitment for the world.
Opinion: Although it doesnt sound like much these steps have brough the world closer to a system that might actually save us. The ability of a handful of small countries – Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador – to block the world community from formally agreeing to the Copenhagen Accord proved one of the more frustrating elements of the talks, to many delegates. In the end the United Nations could only take note of the accord before sending everyone home. I think that countries who are being diffucult need to realize the bigger picture that these meetings are trying to accomplish.
Copenhagen- The United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place at the Bella Center in Copenhagen, Denmark, between December 7 and December 18, 2009.

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