Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Quarter 3, Article 6

Girls with prenatal exposure to bisphenol A more aggressive, hyperactive

Canwest News Services, Mike Iype


Miller Chapters: 8 9 18

SUmmary: Daughters of women who were exposed to a common chemical found in plastics, while they were pregnant are more likely to show aggressive and hyperactive behaviours as two-year-olds, a new study shows."The girls showed a definite difference in temperaments," said Lanphear. "Their behaviour was actually much more like boys at the same age."
BPA, a hormone disrupter that can cause reproductive damage and lead to prostate and breast cancer in adulthood, is a building block in polycarbonate plastic. People are exposed to BPA through medical tubing, some hard plastic water bottles, some baby feeding bottles, dental fillings, food-can and packaging linings, and carbonless paper
Opinion- I think its terrible that simple things like bottles are harming babies, and causing girls to behave like testosterone filled boys. Something needs to be done to get rid of the BPA in the bottles.
BPA(Bisphenol A) is an industrial chemical used to make hard, clear plastics. It can be found in reusable water bottles, baby bottles and children’s sippy cups. BPA is also used in the lining found on the inside of metal cans.

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