Monday, June 21, 2010

China says dams not to blame for low Mekong levels

China says dams not to blame for low Mekong levels
Quarter 4
Article 10
The area covered is global.

The Mekong River in China has shown extremely large water level drops recently. Their government is denying that it is the many dams present on the river and blaming it on abnormally dry weather. Neighboring countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos have also been affected by the water level drops. The major players in this controversy are requesting more data from China's hydroelectric stations to get a better idea of what may be causing the decreased water flow. As the meetings go on, China has shut down one of their hydroelectric dams to prevent impacts on fish migration.

I think that it is probably a combination of both the numerous dams and the dry weather that is causing such a decreased water flow. This article is a perfect example of how a renewable resource like hydroelectric power could have negative effects on the environment. Everything that alters the natural environment has a consequence.

Mekong River: one of the worlds largest rivers that services about 6 countries in south east asia.

Demystifying Common Myths of Wind Power

Demystifying Common Myths of Wind Power
Quarter 4
Article 9
May 25, 2010
The area covered is national.

In this article, many myths and misconceptions about wind farms are put to rest. One important one is that birds are not really harmed. The author said that birds can see better than us and workers at wind farms see more birds fly into glass than fly into turbine blades. He stated that there is also new technology that detects flocks and shuts turbines down if they are on a collision course. The author also said windfarms don't disrupt water ecosystems and they are not loud compared to other things in our society like highways and cities.

I think it was different to hear someones true but slightly sarcastic view on peoples hate towards wind turbines. He pretty much let everyone that complained know how stupid they are sounding and that what they said was a bunch of bologna.

NIMBY- not in my backyard. Many people complain that wind farms could be an eye-sore and they dont want them constructed near their homes.

Key Countries Partner to Reduce Deforestation Emissions Sustainable Life Media

Key Countries Partner to Reduce Deforestation Emissions Sustainable Life Media
Quarter 4
Article 8
May 31, 2010

Last month, over 50 developed and developing countries met to sign a REDD agreement at the Oslo Climate and Forest Conference in Norway. REDD stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. The countries signed on to spend over 4 billion dollars in the next three years to reduce deforestation. Many scientists believe this is a starting point for future international environmental agreements. The US alone pledged to spend over 1 billion in the next 3 years of this project.

I think that this is really great. An international agreement to help a very large issue regarding climate change is a great step forward in making our planet green. What I am interested to see is how this agreement holds up and what the countries are going to do with all of the money pledged. It will be interesting to see if all of the countries hold their promise and follow through with what they have agreed to do.

NGO- non-govermental organization. In this article, many NGO's are participating in this international agreement.

Mediterranean Sea Getting Saltier, Hotter

Mediterranean Sea Getting Saltier, Hotter
Quarter 4
Article 7
May 24, 2010
May 24, 2010
The area covered is global.

Recent studies have shown that the waters of the western Mediterranean Sea have become more salty and much warmer. They have increased by .0036 degrees farenheit and salinity has increased by .001 units each year. The trend has been accelerating since the 1990's and scientists worry it will only get worse due to its correlation with greenhouse gas processes. Scientists also realize that even this slight change in temperature is very significant because it takes a lot of heat to change such a large amount of water's temperature this much. To prevent this from getting worse, changes have to be made regarding the dams blocking the cool, fresh water from entering the Mediterranean.

The increased temperature and evaporation in the Mediterranean sea is creating a very bad feedback loop that will continue amplifying this bad situation. I hope that the countries surrounding this waterway find a solution to stop the warming of the water.

Geophysical research: Focuses on physics and chemistry of the earth and it's core.

Philips Unveils World's First 60 Watt LED Bulb

Quarter 4
Article 6
Philips Unveils World's First 60 Watt LED Bulb
May 13, 2010

Phillips has now released it's new EduraLED bulb which is a 12 watt LED light bulb made to replace the common 60 watt incandescent bulb. It will last 25 times longer than the incandescent and it will not require maintenence as well as delivering up to 80% savings on energy costs. CFL bulbs have 8 times more life than an incandescent bulb which is very good but if all of these were replaced by the new LED bulbs, an immense amount of energy will be saved as well as money.

This new LED bulb is wonderful. It has been known that LED lights are more efficient than any other common bulb, they were just not on the market for consumers. Now that LEDs are availible, it will be much easier for consumers to cut energy usage and costs.

LED: Light Emitting Diode

A Quandary in Restoring Bald Eagle Populations

A Quandary in Restoring Bald Eagle Populations

Quarter 4
Article 5
NY Times
The area covered is national.

Summary: For three decades, scientists have been trying with only limited success to re-establish breeding populations of bald eagles on the Channel Islands off the Southern California coast. The eagles disappeared from the islands in the 1960s, victims, like many other birds, of DDT, which affected their ability to reproduce. However, restored eagle populations may have considerable impact on other animals on the islands. The eagles’ diet consisted mostly of seabirds. But when sheep ranching was established in the mid-19th century, the diet changed, largely to sheep carcasses. There are no more sheep on the island. If bald eagle populations were to recover, they would have to seek other prey. Prey sources might include sea lion carcasses or seabirds. Both are potentially problematic, the seabirds because their populations have also declined and are now recovering, and the sea lions because they would pass on accumulated contaminants and pollutants, including DDT, in their tissues.

My opinion: I think that it's important to reestablish bald eagle populations so that the bald eagle does not become extinct. However, environmentalists need to make sure that they do not endanger other native populations such as seabirds or allow the eagles to be poisoned by DDT.