Monday, June 21, 2010

Demystifying Common Myths of Wind Power

Demystifying Common Myths of Wind Power
Quarter 4
Article 9
May 25, 2010
The area covered is national.

In this article, many myths and misconceptions about wind farms are put to rest. One important one is that birds are not really harmed. The author said that birds can see better than us and workers at wind farms see more birds fly into glass than fly into turbine blades. He stated that there is also new technology that detects flocks and shuts turbines down if they are on a collision course. The author also said windfarms don't disrupt water ecosystems and they are not loud compared to other things in our society like highways and cities.

I think it was different to hear someones true but slightly sarcastic view on peoples hate towards wind turbines. He pretty much let everyone that complained know how stupid they are sounding and that what they said was a bunch of bologna.

NIMBY- not in my backyard. Many people complain that wind farms could be an eye-sore and they dont want them constructed near their homes.

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