Monday, June 21, 2010

Key Countries Partner to Reduce Deforestation Emissions Sustainable Life Media

Key Countries Partner to Reduce Deforestation Emissions Sustainable Life Media
Quarter 4
Article 8
May 31, 2010

Last month, over 50 developed and developing countries met to sign a REDD agreement at the Oslo Climate and Forest Conference in Norway. REDD stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. The countries signed on to spend over 4 billion dollars in the next three years to reduce deforestation. Many scientists believe this is a starting point for future international environmental agreements. The US alone pledged to spend over 1 billion in the next 3 years of this project.

I think that this is really great. An international agreement to help a very large issue regarding climate change is a great step forward in making our planet green. What I am interested to see is how this agreement holds up and what the countries are going to do with all of the money pledged. It will be interesting to see if all of the countries hold their promise and follow through with what they have agreed to do.

NGO- non-govermental organization. In this article, many NGO's are participating in this international agreement.

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